Tuesday, July 20, 2010


dh lmer aku x bkk blogg aku...dh berbulan dh....kali nih aku nk suatu cerita yg...dunno...UPSR dh nk dkt.....60days more....what i nid to do now is do a lot of revision...i hope my result for trial memuaskan......mser ujian selom trial nih my lover failed in science.....kalo yg trial nih dier lulus...aku happy sesangat....kalo dier dh lulus trial...aku hope dier leh dpt B atau A mser UPSR nnt...aku pon akan berusaha untuk UPSR nnt...aku dh blaja sehari lebih 3 jam...x leh on internnet slalu...that suck's....but...aku dh nk UPSR...like my teacher's n my family said..."Kita kener kerje lebih maser...korban kn mser tido....buat latihan bnyk-bnyk sampai pening kepale...."drpd percakapan diorang nih aku ader semangat nk amek UPSR....afta UPSR...aku nk jd dajal...nk enjoy tiap tiap ari..till form 3...biler form 3 nnt kener jd mcm djh 6 blk...kener blaja...i hope..i can get 5A1....sesaper yg bcer nih...terutamanya my lover...i hope u can do well 4 UPSR....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

still new....

this is my first time i'm blogging.....so....plz teach me....
My name is arman faed....u can kol me arman or armando.....i'm 12 years old...i live at Jalan Desa Impian 1,Taman Desa Impian.....study at SK Saujana Impian (1)....that's the greatest skool eva....my class i'm studying now in 6 MARIKH.....i have a girlfrenz name Khairun Nabila....she is my LOVER......i guest...all my frenz in my skool n...anywhere is my bestfrenz 4 eva......except 4...indian...azli....n...no more...kk....that what i want to say rite now...buh bye.....uh uh... 1 more thing...i dun have any tipon....just...take home number from anybuddy....kk...thats all...buh bye... =]~